Monday, July 23, 2007

Well, my first blog attempt turned out okay except I neglected to finish a sentence - duh!! I meant to say that my knitting projects are for sale at one of our local gift shops. When the weather cools down some I have hopes that the items will sell. In the meantime I will keep myself occupied working on new projects. I like to experiment with the mixing of colors in afghans and sweaters. My work schedule has been very erratic for several weeks with people on vacation. We are still a dispatcher short and I hear there is a hiring freeze on for our department. In New Mexico dispatchers have to attend an academy in Santa Fe so our newest dispatcher will be gone for 3 weeks in September. There goes our schedule again. I have been working a 4 day a week schedule, only not 4 10 hour shifts. The 12 hour day is really rough since I have a 45 minute drive to work and home again. If I make it through today and tomorrow I will have 3 days off to recouperate - and pack boxes. We haven't gotten an offer on our house yet, nor have we put in an offer on a house on the mountain. All things come to those who wait. At least that is what my husband says..........


Motherkitty said...

Good morning. Thanks for stopping by and for emailing. It was good to hear from you.

BTW, we have a friend who lives in Thoreau (I think NW part of the state) and a cousin and family who live in Corrales. Would love to visit one of these years. Hear it's beautiful. Have flown over the state many times but the next time we go west, we will probably drive. That really will be a trip.

Have a great day.

doubleknot said...

Hi, came here by way of Tuffenuf. My daughter also knits and I am always amazed at people who do. I was curious about the little doggies you raise. Is that a picture of one? It is kind of hard to see. Maybe you could post some pictures.

Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

We've traveled New Mexico many times and the mountains are where to be...where the rain and rainbows can be found.

My first Jimmy was in law enforcement. It's a very exciting life.

I came over from Tuffe's blog.